Musings and wanderings in the Daemon Wastes...

Day: June 19, 2008

365 Ficlets – Day #41 ~ “Careless”

Eva pulled her hand back, shocked by the heat. She had not expected the stove to be on and so had simply reached out for the pan to pick it up by its rim.

The dull pain of a burn was already throbbing in her fingers as she plunged her hand into the cold water standing in the sink. She pulled the plug out and turned the cold tap on with her other hand, so that she could hold the affected area under cold running water.

As she stood there, attempting to protect herself from a nasty blister and a scar, she cast her gaze out across the beach. She knew that she often took for granted that she lived right on the beach, or as near as dammit at any rate. The deck outside the kitchen door ended a few feet from the sea wall, and the beach was the other side of that.

The sun was setting, and she could see Jake sitting in his usual place, playing. She wondered why he always came down to the beach to play at sunset; he would get a lot more from busking in the daytime, particularly on a Sunday when there were tourists.

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365 Ficlets – Day #41 ~ “Careless”

Eva pulled her hand back, shocked by the heat. She had not expected the stove to be on and so had simply reached out for the pan to pick it up by its rim.

The dull pain of a burn was already throbbing in her fingers as she plunged her hand into the cold water standing in the sink. She pulled the plug out and turned the cold tap on with her other hand, so that she could hold the affected area under cold running water.

As she stood there, attempting to protect herself from a nasty blister and a scar, she cast her gaze out across the beach. She knew that she often took for granted that she lived right on the beach, or as near as dammit at any rate. The deck outside the kitchen door ended a few feet from the sea wall, and the beach was the other side of that.

The sun was setting, and she could see Jake sitting in his usual place, playing. She wondered why he always came down to the beach to play at sunset; he would get a lot more from busking in the daytime, particularly on a Sunday when there were tourists.

You can see the original post on by clicking here.

Re Last Post…

…does anyone know where I could get a quote for a 1 week public liability insurance policy for an exhibition? The space I am trying to book is free to use, but I will need to supply my own insurance…

Help me lazyweb, you’re my only hope!

I don’t want to get too excited, but…

…it looks like I may be having my exhibition for my 365 Portraits project in September this year.

Clearly if it generates any interest at all I will tour it around a little, but just to begin with I want to see it up on the walls somewhere. I’m not going to say any more right now; I don’t want to jinx it, but hopefully I will have more to tell you in the near future – keep your fingers crossed!

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