Musings and wanderings in the Daemon Wastes...

Tag: Monochrome

My work is going to be in a book…

So I am a member of a really great website called Model Society which is a happy, celebratory, supportive and creative space for photographers and models who work in the Nude Art space, as I do.

Just recently Model Society asked its members if we would consider allowing the admins and curators of the site to consider our portfolios on the site for inclusion in a book that they wanted to launch on Kickstarter.

I said “YES!” right away of course – I am not trying to make this my career and yet I do want to have my work reach further than my echo chamber, so any kind of exposure like this is something that I want.

I was selected, and indeed these two images were chosen:

Multi exposure of a nude female model in black and white,
Nude portrait of a model posing on top of a dry stone wall by a Scottish Loch

I could not be more thrilled – the first image was the first of my images that Model Society featured on their website and Twitter (I know it’s called X now), and the second one is one of my all time favourite images of one of my all-time favourite collaborators. The first model is the wonderful Bobbi Castle and the second is the sublime Merrique Sainte.

So, hopefully I have got you a little interested, but in case you need more persuading, here are some images of how my work is going to look in the book, and what the various versions of the book are going to look like…

So, here’s the ask… If you are interested in the book, and / or interested in supporting me then please use this link to back the Kickstarter:

I really hope that you get into the idea of backing the book, this is going to be a beautiful thing to have in your home, and if you back this book and get a copy of it you will have a small piece of me and my work and that is pretty awesome to me.

I have an ongoing project about shadow, light, darkness and form, and yesterday I had the good fortune to add to it with Lilith Etch.

Here are some photos from the shoot;

Once again I have been lucky enough to arrange to work with a fantastic, nay World Class, model in the beautiful surroundings of my home in Strathard in the West Highlands.

Lilith Etch is a Swedish model and artist who splits her time between working as a travelling model and working in Sweden and Denmark when she is not “on the road”.  I discovered her work early on this year, through a mutual acquaintance and was pleased to discover that she was looking to visit Scotland later on in the year and was more than happy to make time for us to work together.

Here are some images from the time we spent working in Nature – there will be more of her from the studio soon…

Last Saturday (as per entries passim), I spent some time photographing a model from the US, who works under the name Floofie. We spent some of that time in a local studio in Sevenoaks, adding to my “Shadow Walkers” project.

The image above has been chosen for this post specifically because it is Facebook safe (or ought to be) so I can publish this post ‘everywhere’ without fear of repercussions, but if you would like to see the rest (NSFW), you can see them in either of the following locations (the Flickr link will require that you are signed in, to at least a free account, and that you have set your content filter accordingly, whereas the 500px link will just require you to toggle nudity):

Shadow Walkers – Floofie (on Flickr)

Shadow Walkers – Floofie (on 500px)

Comments / feedback always welcome 🙂

I had an excellent photoshoot today…

…with a model, who I am calling Artemis – for her own reasons her real name will not be associated with the pictures…

Here is a figure-nude that we created at the end of the shoot…

Artemis - Figurenude

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