Musings and wanderings in the Daemon Wastes...

Tag: portrait

On Tuesday last week, sandwiched between 2 days of meetings in London I was able to organise another shoot with a model visiting from the US, and indeed another model who had heard of me thanks to Floofie (see posts passim – first of the two images in this post after the copy of the poster.).

So, I present the fabulous Jin N Tonic (she has several web presences, but her current IndieGoGo is ending at the end of this week, so it seemed like the best link)

Ok, so with thanks to all those who weighed in, here are the images that I am submitting to Scott Church‘s Legacy Show for 2015, after being invited to contribute.

Here is the flyer for the show

Legacy Show Flyer 2014

I have ordered the prints and will be sending them to Scott as soon they are delivered and I have time to make sure that they have been printed correctly 😉

Floofie - Nymph

Floofie – Nymph

Rachelle - Personal Time

Rachelle – Personal Time

Last Saturday (as per entries passim), I spent some time photographing a model from the US, who works under the name Floofie. We spent some of that time in a local studio in Sevenoaks, adding to my “Shadow Walkers” project.

The image above has been chosen for this post specifically because it is Facebook safe (or ought to be) so I can publish this post ‘everywhere’ without fear of repercussions, but if you would like to see the rest (NSFW), you can see them in either of the following locations (the Flickr link will require that you are signed in, to at least a free account, and that you have set your content filter accordingly, whereas the 500px link will just require you to toggle nudity):

Shadow Walkers – Floofie (on Flickr)

Shadow Walkers – Floofie (on 500px)

Comments / feedback always welcome 🙂


Ed and AnneSo

My brother and his fiancée, who feels more and more like a sister as we get to know one another, when I went out for lunch with them earlier this year. I’ve been counting blessings of late, and they definitely are one each and a whole ‘nother one together.

Whitstable Sunset…

Steve and Jim

Yesterday evening I went to Whitstable on my way home. I had initially hoped to be able to catch up with my friend Sally, but even though she was not around I was really pleased to be in Whitstable – it’s one of my peaceful places – and so I took my camera and wandered about around the beach and harbour. Eventually I decided to wait for the sunset and it was while I was, that I met Steve and Jim. They are a couple of guys, friends, who try to see the sunset as often as they can, and they were both filled with admiration for the variety and uniqueness that they find in it. It was just really cool to meet these two strangers, local to this place that I love and often dream about living in and to learn that they have this real fascination with the view of ‘their’ sunset. Thanks for the chat and the wine guys, it was really great to meet you and talk with you.

Here is the sunset, over The Isle of Sheppey, as seen from Whitstable, Kent today.

Whitstable Sunset

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