Musings and wanderings in the Daemon Wastes...

Tag: Humour

Best one so far…

HTML5 to have a tag for NSFW (link is safe for work btw)

Laughed and laughed and laughed – good job!

I love April Fool’s Day…

…well that’s not altogether true, but I __do__ love the April Fool’s Day efforts made by the media; for example;

Fake Labour Party Election Poster from The Guardian for April Fools Day 2010

I also rather liked this gem:

CERN in talks with London Underground to use service tunnels attached to the Circle Line for the next generation particle accelerator…

(Thanks go to Paul and El / ellefurtle respectively for these two little happinesses 🙂 )

Things that you never thought you’d hear…

This morning my train into Paddington was quite badly delayed; this is not unusual…

Anyway, just outside the station as we were waiting for the platform clearance the train manager came onto the tannoy to apologise, which he did and then during his patter he said:

“…I’m afraid to say that the only good news I can give you is that on the 1706h and 1806h you can now use cheap day returns and off-peak travelcards, which is a measure that came in yesterday…”

and the thing I never thought I’d hear was the carriage breaking out into spontaneous laughter; irate commuters and day trippers just seeing the funny side together. It was remarkably nice.

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