Musings and wanderings in the Daemon Wastes...

Day: November 24, 2008

365 Ficlets – Day #199 ~ “Forbidden”

“You’re not anything special, you fool!”

The boy cowered at his father’s feet, flinching from the raised fist.

“Just because you can play the damn guitar does not mean that you should play it. DO you understand me?”

The boy nodded.

“Did you say something?”

For a moment the boy cowered lower, expecting a blow from the fist that was suspended above him, like a weight ready to fall. Then realising he was being givern a chance stammered;

“Y-y-y Yes Sir, I understand.”

The fist came a little lower, but more slowly than a blow and the boy stared intently, watching to see the fingers relax and the fist once more becoming a hand.

“Good. All right then. Now get yourself off to bed. Brush your teeth, young man, and I don’t want to hear any music coming from your room, that radio is for the news and nothing else.”

The boy scrambled to his feet and was gone before he could change his mind.

The man turned to look at the guitar that had caught his son attempting to play, and muttered under his breath;

“Where did you come from, eh?”

Request aimed at Bristol People…

Can any of you recommend somewhere for me to park if I am going here:,+UK&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=20.929552,39.550781&ie=UTF8&ll=51.454782,-2.598782&spn=0.010737,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=addr


Also, is there a GOOD reason why I should not come into the city on the M32 if the above link represents my intended destination?

Thanks in advance 🙂

I know it’s last minute, but…

…anyone in / near Bristol fancy meeting me at The Cooler to enjoy the musical stylings of The Airborne Toxic Event, then it would be cool to see one / some / all (yeah right) of you 🙂

The band are really good – I drove all the way to Oxford to see them last week, and I enjoyed it so much I am going to drive for a total of nearly 4 hours tonight to see them again, before they go back to the US – trust me when I say that the next time they are in the UK they will be here for less time and will cost (potentially a lot) more to see. American bands that start slow-burn being played by Zane Lowe and Colin Murray on Radio 1 and by John Richard on KEXP turn into The Killers, Vampire Weekend etc. These guys are definitely worth seeing before they break. Besides, how many times do you get a chance to see a band that has a classically trained, jazz upright bass player playing bass guitar, and for some of the songs bowing it like a double bass? How many times do you get to see a band that has a classically trained concert violinist playing not only violin, but also tambourine? Their music is interesting, but accessible and their lyrics are sheer poetry, and yet not even remotely up their own arses…

Have I sold it enough? Ah well, I will be there regardless, but it would be nice to see anyone out there who fancies it – see y’all on the flipside…

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