Hello all…
I don’t know if anyone on my friends list is a journalist, or knows one, and even then the story is really only local interest in the first instance, but with my upcoming exhibition I am feeling the need to drum up some PR…
I have already sent a press release to all 3 local radio stations and both local newspapers in Reading, plus to Amateur Photographer, but I would like to cast the net wider if I can
As such, could you just have a quick think as to whether or not you know someone in the media that you could schill this to, or even someone who might know someone – you know?
The ACTUAL Press Release is here:
The information about the show and the project can be found at this link:
The Photos themselves are here:
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give…
..::EDIT::.. Can anyone on here help me with creating a poster for the show..? I am crap at these things and could really do with input from someone who is good at this kind of thing…
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