Some friends of mine are becoming Festival Promoters…

I know what you are thinking; some of you are thinking “Oh no, I’ve got no more money for Festivals __next__ year, let alone this” and the rest are thinking “What’s the attraction of camping with teenagers and getting everything I own soaked in order to see my heros the size of matchsticks whilst surrounded by aforementioned teenagers making me feel old?”. Okay there may be some of you thinking “Woohoo!” but I reckon that most of you are in column a or b and nowhere near column c.

Anyway, this festival is:

a) Free

b) Indoors

and for good measure

c) For charity.

So what do you need to do?

It’s easy really, head on over to:

The Invisible Festival (although the “Essential Festival Organiser’s Guide” is not quite available yet it will be in the next couple of days)

and / or

Download the early press-release here

and then of course you can follow them on Twitter:


They are __about__ to announce a bunch of really cool stuff, and frankly this is a really cool idea that is going to raise money for Cancer Research UK and give you fun at the same time, so why not give it a waggle?